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1970 40(3-4) |
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1962 32(3-4) |
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1961 31(3-4) |
1961 31(2) |
1961 31(1) |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 48 1978 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
An Eighteenth Century Witch Bottle in
Delaware County, Pennsylvania |
M. J. Becker |
1-11 |
1-2 |
Client Oriented Archeology: A Comment on
Kinsey's Dilemma |
James E. Fitting |
12-15 |
1-2 |
Two New Radiocarbon Dates for New Jersey |
R. Alan Mounier |
16-19 |
1-2 |
The Excavation of the Anderson Mound |
Richard L. George |
20-32 |
1-2 |
An Occurrence of Pott's Deformity in Western
Pennsylvania |
Gregory Krill and
Michael I. Siegel |
33-38 |
1-2 |
A Personal Account of the Unami Delaware Big
House Rite |
Jay Miller and
Nora Thompson Dean |
39-43 |
1-2 |
Possible Aboriginal Glyphs from Southern
Connecticut |
B. W. Powell |
44-47 |
1-2 |
Shaker Reed Stem Tobacco Pipes |
James L. Murphy |
48-52 |
1-2 |
The "Lost" Petroglyph Rock of the
Barnesville Track Rocks Petroglyph Site, 33BL2 |
James L. Swauger |
53-54 |
1-2 |
lroquoian Matriliny |
Bruce G. Trigger |
55-65 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Amerinds and Their
Paleoenvironments in Northeastern North America. Edited by Walter
S. Newman and Bert Salwen. |
Marilyn Stewart |
66-71 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Method and Theory in Historical
Archeology. Stanley South |
Ronald Carlisle |
66-71 |
1-2 |
Artifact |
72 |
1-2 |
Excavations at Lambert House: A Colonial
Homestead in Lower Connecticut |
B. W. Powell |
1-15 |
3 |
The Cannelton "Sun God," 36BV146 Beaver
County, Pennsylvania |
James L. Murphy |
16-19 |
3 |
Monongahela Artifacts from the Ryan Site |
Richard L. George |
20-36 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Late Prehistory of the Lake
Erie Drainage Basin: A 1972 Symposium Revised. David S. Brose |
David M. Stothers |
37-41 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Richards Site and the Philo
Phase of the Fort Ancient Tradition. Jeff Carskadden and James
Morton (eds. ). |
Jeffrey R.
Graybill |
37-41 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Lower Susquehanna Valley
Prehistoric Indians, W. Fred Kinsey, III. |
Ronald L. Michael |
37-41 |
3 |
Discovery of Fort Loudoun, Franklin County,
Pennsylvania |
Barry C. Kent |
42-47 |
3 |
Artifact |
48 |
3 |
Excavations at "Woodville" (36AL29): A Late
18th Century Home in Western Pennsylvania |
James B.
Richardson and Ronald C. Carlisle |
1-23 |
4 |
24-32 |
4 |
The McJunkin Site, a Preliminary Report |
Richard L. George |
33-47 |
4 |
Artifact |
48 |
4 |
46SU3 Revisited |
J. D. Applegarth,
J. M. Adovasio, J. Donahue, With sections by D. Dirkmaat, ]. Dwyer,
W. C. Johnson, K. Lord, B. Rovegno, M. Vanzin |
1-103 |
Spec |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 47 1977 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
The Indian God Rock Petroglyph Site 36VE36
James L. Swauger |
1-13 |
1 |
Petroglyphs from the Upper Delaware Valley |
Edward J. Lenik |
14-18 |
1 |
Radiocarbon Date from the Globe Hill Shell
Heap 46HK34-1, Hancock County, West Virginia |
James L. Murphy |
19-34 |
1 |
The National Register of Historic Places and
the Grants-in-Aid Program |
Mark R. Barnes |
25-28 |
1 |
Procedures of the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation |
Charles Spilker |
29-34 |
1 |
The Archeological and Historic Preservation
Act of 1974: A Panacea? |
Roy W. Reaves,
35-41 |
1 |
One Archaeologist's Dilemma: A Personal View |
W. Fred Kinsey,
42-44 |
1 |
Fort Pomfret Castle: An Archaeological Quest |
Guy Graybill |
45-54 |
1 |
BOOK REVIEW: Red Men on the Brandywine.
C. A. Weslager. |
Englebrecht |
55-60 |
1 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Neville Site. 8000 Years
at Amoskeag, Manchester, New Hampshire. Dena Ferran Dincauze |
Russell G.
Handsman |
55-60 |
1 |
BOOK REVIEW: Stone Age Myth and
Magic: As documented in the Rock Paintings of South Africa.
Harald Pager. |
James L. Swauger |
55-60 |
1 |
Meadowcroft Rockshelter: Retrospect 1976 |
J. M. Adovasio,
J. D. Gunn, J. Donahue, R. Stuckenrath With selections by J. D.
Applegarth, R. C. Carlisle, D. T. Clark, J. Donahue, D. Faingnaert,
J. E. Guilday, W. C. Johnson, D. Krinsley, K. Lord, E. Skirboll, P.
G. Wiegman |
1-93 |
2-3 |
Elements of Nativistic Pipe Ceremonialism in
the Post-Contact Northeast |
William Turnbaugh |
1-7 |
4 |
A Report on the Skeletal Remains of the
Ohioview Site, A Late Prehistoric Village |
David Faingnaert
and William Doyle |
8-26 |
4 |
The Susquehanna River Valley Archaeological
Survey |
Ira F. Smith, III |
27-29 |
4 |
Fluted Points from Slippery Rock,
Pennsylvania |
Mark A.
McConaughy, Jan D. Applegarth, and David J. Faingnaert |
30-36 |
4 |
The Milesburg Site: A Hunting Camp in
Central Pennsylvania |
David Webster,
Mark Aldenderfer, James W. Hatch and Conran A. Hay |
37-47 |
4 |
A Rockshelter Burial in Northwestern
Pennsylvania |
Kenneth P.
Burkett |
48-52 |
4 |
Analysis of the Dentition from Three Western
Pennsylvania Late Woodland Sites. II. Wear and Pathology |
Paul W. Sciulli
and Ronald Carlisle |
53-59 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: Archaeology of the Oneida
Iroquois, Vol. I. Peter P. Pratt. |
Englebrecht |
60-62 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: An Introduction to Canadian
Archaeology. David Newlands and Claus Breede |
Ronald L. Michael |
60-62 |
4 |
Excavations at Sparks Rockshelter (15)019),
Johnson County, Kentucky |
P. T.
Fitzgibbons, J. M. Adovasio, J. Donahue with sections and/or
appendices by K . Lord, S. M. F. Peters, S. Peters, J. Applegarth |
1-58 |
5 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 46 1976 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
A Functional Interpretation of "Keyhole"
Structures In the Northeast |
Ira F. Smith, III |
1-12 |
1-2 |
Social Interaction and Point Types in the
Eastern U.S . |
Michael G.
Michlovic |
13-16 |
1-2 |
Some Comments on " Pumpkin Seed" Fluted
Points from the Plenge Site |
Mark A.
McConaughy |
17-19 |
1-2 |
Peter Colley Tavern: 19t h Century Wagon
Tavern |
Ronald L. Michael
and Ronald C. Carlisle |
21-34 |
1-2 |
35-38 |
1-2 |
A Preliminary Survey of Middle Woodland
Prehistory in Licking County, Ohio |
Jack E. Bernhard |
39-54 |
1-2 |
Ceramics from the Philo II Site
Richard Gartley,
Jeff Carskadden, and James Morton |
55-76 |
1-2 |
The Russo Farm Site -A Paleo-Indian Station
in Allegheny County , Pennsylvania |
Richard L .
George |
77-84 |
1-2 |
Memorial: P. Schuyler Miller |
Don W. Dragoo |
85-86 |
1-2 |
Fort Michilimackinac 1715- 1781 : An
Archaeological Perspective on the Revolutionary Frontier. Lyle Stone |
Sydne B. Marshall |
87-88 |
1-2 |
A Delaware Indian Symposium. Herbert C.
Kraft, ed. |
Englebrecht |
87-88 |
1-2 |
A Preliminary Analysis of Vertebrate Faunal
Remains From the Philo II Site, Muskingum County, Ohio |
Orrin C. Shane,
1-6 |
3 |
Molluscan Remains from the Philo II Site,
Muskingum County, Ohio |
James L. Murphy |
7-13 |
3 |
New Petroglyph Finds |
Edward J. Lenik |
15-19 |
3 |
Evidence of a Prehistoric Huron
Leg Amputation |
M. Stothers |
20-23 |
3 |
The Okehocking: A Remnant Band
of Delaware Indians |
Marshall J. Becker |
24-61 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Archaeology of Missouri,
I. Carl H. Chapman |
Roger W. Moeller |
62-63 |
3 |
A Brief Manual of Surveying in Field
Archaeology |
Charles E. Hunter |
1-10 |
4 |
A Report on the Skeletal Remains of the
McKees Rocks Site, A Late Prehistoric Village |
William Doyle and
David Faingnaert |
11-27 |
4 |
Conneaut Fort, A Prehistoric Whittlesey
Focus Village in Ashtabula County, Ohio |
David Brose,
Gregory Wentzel, Helga Bluestone and Patricia Essenpreis |
29-77 |
4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 45 1975 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
Faucett and Byram Sites: Chronology and
Settlement in the Delaware Valley |
W. Fred Kinsey ,
1-103 |
1-2 |
Memorial: Frances Dorrance 1877-1973 |
Barry C. Kent |
104-105 |
1-2 |
Excavations at Meadowcroft Rockshelter,
1973-1974: A Progress Report . |
J. M. Adovasio,
J. D. Gunn, J. Donahue, and R. Stuckenrath |
1-30 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Etruscans. Werner
Keller |
John M. Cavanaugh |
31-34 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Before Civilization.
Colin Renfrew. |
James A. Tuck |
31-34 |
3 |
Comment on "The Foods of the Connecticut
Indians" |
B. W. Powell |
35-36 |
3 |
Archaeologists View von Daniken |
Guy Graybill |
37-39 |
3 |
More About the Unalachtigo |
C. A. Weslager |
40-43 |
3 |
Memorial: George R. Picton 1911-1974 |
Russel Royer |
44 |
3 |
Excavation of the Meadows Mound (36WH276) |
Carl J. Maurer |
45-56 |
3 |
The Wadding Rockshelter, 36AR21 |
Richard L. George
& Harry Bassinger |
1-21 |
4 |
Archaeological Investigations of Split
Rockshelter, 36EL4, Horton Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania |
James T.
Herbstritt & David A. Love |
22-44 |
4 |
Kwulakan: The Delaware Side of Their
Movement West |
Jay Miller |
45-46 |
4 |
Analysis of the Dentition from
Three Western Pennsylvania Late Woodland Sites. I. Descriptive
Statistics, Partition of Variation and Asymmetry |
W. Sciulli & Ronald Carlisle |
47-55 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: Aboriginal Settlement
Patterns in the Northeast. William A. Ritchie, Robert E. Funk. |
David S. Brose |
56-58 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Prehistory of the
Indians of Western Connecticut, Part I, 9000-1000 B.C. Edmund K.
Swigart. |
Maurice Robbins |
56-58 |
4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 44 1974 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
Monongahela Settlement Patterns and the Ryan
Site |
Richard L. George |
1-22 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Delaware Indians A History. C. A. Weslager. |
William A. Hunter |
24-29 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Smoking Technology of the Aborigines of the
Iroquois Area of New York State. Edward S. Rutsch |
James A. Tuck |
24-29 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Archeology in the Upper Delaware Valley: A
Study of the Cultural Chronology of the Tacks Island Reservoir. W.
Fred Kinsey, III, with contributions by Herbert C. Kraft , Patricia Marchiando, and David J. Werner. |
Robert E. Funk |
24-29 |
1-2 |
The Boarts Site: A Lithic Workshop in
Lawrence County, Pennsylvania |
J. M. Adovasio,
G. F. Fry, J. Zakucia, and J. Gunn. With sections by R. Carlisle, V.
Cowin, D. Clark, J. Donahue, M. McConaughy,
R. Maslowski, and R. Somer. Appendix by J. Zakucia |
31-112 |
1-2 |
Recent Research in the Upper Susquehanna
Valley, New York State ... |
Robert Funk,
Bruce Rippeteau, & Ralph M. Houck |
1-31 |
3 |
Monongahela Flint and Associated Workshops
in the Chartiers Valley, Washington County, Pennsylvania |
Ronald W. Eisert |
32-39 |
3 |
More on Humpback Knives |
R. E. McDaniel |
40-41 |
3 |
The Lenape Lake Rock Shelter (36MR23): A
Middle Woodland Site |
Donald Kline and
F. Dayton Staats
42-47 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Archaeology of Eastern North
America, Vol. 1 , No. 1 . Louis A. Brennan, (editor). |
W. Fred Kinsey,
48-49 |
3 |
Remarks Relative to the South Park Site
Report Preliminary Report on the South Park Site: A Statement |
James L. Murphy |
50-51 |
3 |
On the Interpretation of Preliminary
Archaeological Reports |
David Brose |
52-53 |
3 |
Locust Grove Pottery: A New Late Woodland
Variety |
Barry C. Kent |
1-5 |
4 |
The Unalachtigo? |
Jay Miller |
7-8 |
4 |
Early to Middle Woodland Cultural Complexes
on the Piedmont and Coastal Plain |
W. Fred Kinsey |
9-19 |
4 |
The East Sugar Island Burial Mound |
David Stothers |
20-25 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related
Algonkian Indians. Gladys Tantaquidgeon |
James M. Taggart |
26-28 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: The First Great Civilizations: Life in
Mesopotamia, The Indus Valley, and Egypt. Jacquetta Hawkes. |
Robert K. Evans |
26-28 |
4 |
The Barnesville Track Rocks Petroglyphs
Site: 33BL2 |
James L. Swauger |
29-41 |
4 |
Vessel Diameters from Sherds: A Mathematical
Approach |
Ronald L.
Michael, Denise Grantz, and Robert Maslowski |
42-43 |
4 |
The Growth and Development of Archaeology in
Pennsylvania |
William Turnbaugh |
44-51 |
4 |
Nineteenth Century Reed-Stem Tobacco Pipes
from the Magadore, Ohio, Dump |
James L. Murphy
and Kirt Reich |
52-60 |
4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 43 1973 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
Ceramics From A 19th Century Southwestern
Pennsylvania Tavern |
Ronald L. Michael |
1-13 |
1 |
Memorials: EDGAR ELLIOT AUGUSTINE, 1898-1973
14 |
1 |
The Freshwater Bivalve: A Versatile Pottery
Decorating Tool |
David Arthurs |
15-19 |
1 |
The Thorn Petroglyph |
Edward Lenik |
21-23 |
1 |
A Preliminary Analysis of Recent Excavations
at the South Park Site, Cuyahoga County, Ohio |
David S. Brose |
25-42 |
1 |
Powissett Rockshelter: Alternative Behavior
Patterns In a Simple Situation |
Dena F. Dincauze
and R. Michael Gramly |
43-61 |
1 |
An Analysis of Cordrnarked Watson Ware |
Robert F.
Maslowski |
1-12 |
2 |
Ceramic Analysis of Plain and Cordmarked the
Vesta Site 36Wh26 |
Ronald Carlisle |
13-23 |
2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Shanidar: The First Flower
People. Ralph Solecki |
Duane W.
Roller |
24 |
2 |
The Babb's Island Petroglyphs Site, 33Co3 |
James L. Swauger |
25-35 |
2 |
Pottery Reproduction: A Technical Study |
Harry O. Holstein |
39-50 |
2 |
Five Vessels from the McFate Site, Crawford
County, Pennsylvania |
]ames L. Murphy |
51-57 |
2 |
A Rim Sherd Profiling Technique |
Barry M. Mitchell
and Donald W. McQuade |
58-61 |
2 |
The Parker Site: A Manifestation Of The
Wyoming Valley Culture |
Ira F. Smith III |
1-56 |
3-4 |
The Rock House Petroglyph |
Edward J. Lenik |
57-59 |
3-4 |
Life Zones And Early Men In North-Central
Pennsylvania |
William A.
Turnbaugh |
61-74 |
3-4 |
Replication Of Late Woodland Ceramics From
Western Pennsylvania |
Harry O. Holstein |
75-87 |
3-4 |
Underwater Archaeology, A Nascent
Discipline. |
James L. Swauger |
88 |
3-4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 42 1972 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
The Implications of Two Recent Radiocarbon
Dates from Montrose Point on the Lower Hudson River |
Louis A . Brennan |
1-14 |
1-2 |
Some caches and So-called Caches from
Eastern Pennsylvania |
Catherine McCann |
15-26 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Prehistoric Biological
Relationships in the Great Lakes Region. Richard Guy Wilkinson |
William E.
Engelbrecht |
70,75-76 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: The March of Archaeology,
by C. W. Ceram. |
Duane W. Roller |
70,75-76 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Cautantowwit 's House: An
Indian Burial Ground on the Island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay.
William Scranton Simmon |
Barry C. Kent |
70,75-76 |
1-2 |
Birdstones, Boatstones, and Bar Amulets from
the Susquehanna Drainage |
Ira F. Smith, III |
63-70 |
1-2 |
A Wolf Mask and Other Carnivore
Skull Artifacs from the Palestine Site, Illinois |
W. Parmalee and Denzil Stephens |
71-74 |
1-2 |
Miscellany |
76 |
1-2 |
The Reflection of Patterned Behavior in
Iroquois Pottery Decoration |
Engelbrecht |
1-15 |
3 |
Everhart Rockshelter |
Spencer O. Geasey |
16-30 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Archaeological Investigations
of Fort Ligonier 1960-1965. Jacob L. Grimm |
Vincent P. Foley |
30, 36. 44,
69 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Bar Kokhba-The rediscovery
of the legendary hero of the second Jewish Revolt against Rome.
Yigael Yadin. |
Cavanaugh |
30, 36. 44,
69 |
3 |
Unfinished Triangular Projectile Points or
"Humpbacked" Knives |
Patrick & Cheryl
Ann Munson |
31-36 |
3 |
The Rainbow Rocks Petroglyphs Site |
James L. Swauger |
37-44 |
3 |
A Small House in Brownsville |
Ronald L. Michael |
45-58 |
3 |
The Question of Man's Antiquity in the New
World: 1840-1927 |
R . Alan Mounier |
59-69 |
3 |
The Eastern Archaic: Commentary and Northern
Perspective |
William Fitzhugh |
1-19 |
4 |
BOOK REVIEW: Cartier 's Hochelaga and the
Dawson Site, James F. Pendergast and Bruce G. Trigger, with
additional papers by James E. Anderson, Kenneth E. Kidd, and Richard
S. MacNeish. |
Allen Edwin
20-22 |
4 |
A New Look at Brinton's Lenape-English
Dictionary |
C. A. Weslager |
23-25 |
4 |
The Radiocarbon' Date from the Lyman
Earthworks (33La2): A Correction and Discussion |
James L. Murphy |
26-28 |
4 |
Non-Triangular Knife Forms from the Late
Prehistoric Ryan Site |
Richard L. George |
29-35 |
4 |
CUMULATIVE INDEX: Volumes 31-42 (1961-1972) |
P. Schuyler
Miller |
36-52 |
4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 41 1971 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
The Middle Atlantic Culture Province: A
Point of View |
W. Fred Kinsey,
1-8 |
1-2 |
The Archaic of the Upper Ohio Valley: A View
in 1970 |
Richard L. George |
9-14 |
1-2 |
The Thompson Rockshelter |
Neal W. Densmore
& Richard L. Ziegler |
15-29 |
1-2 |
First Site Synthesis and Proposed Chronology
for the Aborigines of Southwestern Connecticut |
Bernard W. Powell |
30-37 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Archaeology of Martha's
Vineyard: A Framework for the Prehistory of Southern New England, A
Study in Coastal Ecology and Adaptation. William A. Ritchie |
Dena F.
Dincauze |
38, 61-62 |
1-2 |
The Sandts Eddy Site |
Elinor Fehr,
Doris Freyermuth, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lopresti, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Kline, and with additional comments by Barry C. Kent |
39-52 |
1-2 |
The Rip Van Winkle Site |
Paul L. Weinman &
Thomas P. Weinman |
53-62 |
1-2 |
A Summary of Owasco and Iroquois Maize
Remains |
Joseph Winter |
1-11 |
3 |
The Lyman Site (33-La-2), Lake County, Ohio |
James L. Murphy |
12-25 |
3 |
The Fairport Harbor Site (33-La-5), Lake
County, Ohio |
James L. Murphy |
26-43 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: American Dawn: A New Model
of American Prehistory. Louis A. Brennan. |
W. Fred
Kinsey III |
59-60, 70-72 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Archaeology of Michigan: A Guide to the
Prehistory of the Great Lakes Region. James E. Fitting |
W. Fred
Kinsey III |
59-60, 70-72 |
3 |
BOOK REVIEW: Cremation Cemeteries in
Eastern Massachusetts. Dena Ferran Dincauze. |
Maurice Robbins
59-60, 70-72 |
3 |
Evidence for Early Archaic Occupations on
Staten Island |
William A.
Ritchie and Robert E. Funk |
45-59 |
3 |
The Dunn Petroglyphs Site (36-Fa-54) |
James L. Swauger |
61-66 |
3 |
Sphere of
Relevance |
73-74 |
3 |
Introduction |
1-7 |
4 |
Murry Site and its Role in Lancaster and
Funk Phases of Shenks Ferry Culture |
W. Fred Kinsey,
III & Jeffrey R. Graybill |
7-43 |
4 |
An Interpretation of Shenks Ferry Ceramics |
Henry Heisey |
44-70 |
4 |
PDFs of Articles from Pennsylvania
Archaeologist Volume 40 1970 |
Abstracts |
Title |
Author |
pp |
Issue |
Purchase |
Cultural Inferences from Faunal Remains |
Bert Salwen |
1-8 |
1-2 |
The Archery Range Site Ossuary |
Edward J. Kaeser |
9-34 |
1-2 |
A Study of Argillite Points in Eastern
Pennsylvania |
William A.
Turnbaugh |
35-42 |
1-2 |
A Cache of Utilized Jasper Flake Tools |
Ira F. Smith III |
43-52 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: An Early Historic Niagara
Frontier Iroquois Cemetery in Erie County, New York: Archaeology and
Physical Anthropology of the Kleis Site. Marian E. White et
al. |
P . Schuyler
Miller |
53-60 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Handbook of Alabama Archaeology
: Part I, Point Types. James W. Cambron and David C. Hulse |
W. Fred Kinsey |
53-60 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Conceptions of Kentucky
Prehistory. Douglas W. Schwartz |
Alfred K. Guthe |
53-60 |
1-2 |
BOOK REVIEW: Delaware 's Buried Past-A Story
of Archeological Adventure. C. A. Weslager |
David M. Miller |
53-60 |
1-2 |
Two and a Half Centuries of Conflict: The
Iroquois and the Laurentian Wars |
Allan Forbes, Jr. |
1-20 |
3-4 |
The Drew Site (36-AL-62) |
William E. Buker |
21-66 |
3-4 |
Naiad Shell Remains |
Don Tanner |
66-68 |
3-4 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Waring Papers: The
Collected Works of Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Stephen Williams,
editor. |
David Hally |
69-74 |
3-4 |
BOOK REVIEW: Papers in Honor of Emerson
F. Greenman, Edited by James E. Fitting. |
Barry Kent |
69-74 |
3-4 |
BOOK REVIEW: The Miller Field Site,
Warren County, N.J.-A Study in Prehistoric Archaeology, Part 1 : The
Archaic and Transitional Stages. Herbert C. Kraft. |
Dena F. Dincauze |
69-74 |
3-4 |