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1967 Pennsylvania Archaeologist 37(1-2):1-4
A Rock Crystal Fluted Point from the Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania
James A. Dickson
A fluted point manufactured from rock crystal is described. It is related to the Clovis Fluted point type; it was discovered in Lurgan Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Comparative and interpretive remarks are offered.
1967 Pennsylvania Archaeologist 37(1-2):5-21
The Bristow Site, Thorah Island, County of Ontario, Province of Ontario, Canada
Paul W. Sweetman
Archaeological investigations carried on during 1961, 1962 and 1963 at the Bristow Site, Ontario, Canada, are discussed. This site is located on Thorah Island which is in Lake Simcoe and not far from Georgian Bay to the west. Test excavations yielded a variety of materials, primarily pottery. The time interval represented by occupations at the site is esti mated to have extended over 2500 years. Middle (and Late) Point Peninsula, transitional Late Point Peninsula to Glen Meyer, Middleport, Lalonde, prehistoric as well as historic Huron are among the kinds of potteries important at the Bristow Site.
1967 Pennsylvania Archaeologist 37(1-2):21-32
Brodhead Heller: A Preliminary Report on a Stratified Transitional Period Site on the Upper Delaware
Charles W. McNett, Jr
Exploratory excavations at the Brodhead Heller Site undertaken during the summer of 1966 are described. This work was part of the archaeological salvage program connected with the Tocks Island Reservoir Project in the Upper Delaware River Valley. Significant features and artifacts that were recovered are documented. Two cultural manifestations were important: 1) a combination, terminal Owasco-Late Castle Creek (ca. A.D. 1150) and a component somewhat later than the Chance Horizon (post ca. A.D. 1475), and 2) a representation of the Transitional Period Perkiomen Complex.
1967 Pennsylvania Archaeologist 37(1-2):33-51
The Archaic of the Lower Scioto Valley, Ohio
Douglas H. McKenzie
A surface survey of the Lower Scioto Valley in Ohio revealed an extensive Archaic occupation. The artifacts recovered, primarily projectile points, are described and classified. The Dunlap Phase is considered a variant of the Laurentian Tradition that is closely related to phases known to occur at nearby sites in Ohio, southwestern Pennsylvania and northwestern West Virginia. 
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