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Allegheny Chapter #1 meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held virtually in January, February, April, May, October and November. The March, June and September meetings are held in-person at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History's Edward O'Neil Research Center, 5800 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh 15206. The December meeting is a Christmas party. Contact either Sarah Neusius ( or AmandaValko ( for the Zoom link for virtual meetings or information/directions to in-person meetings. Discover Archaeology Event October 14.

The Mon-Yough Chapter #3 holds its business meeting (open to all members and guests by zoom or in-person) on the third  Tuesday of each month at 5:15 pm at the Greene County Historical Society. Educational program (guest speaker) starts at 6:00 PM. Monthly meeting are not held June thru August. Speakers are announced in the local newspapers and on the chapter’s web site and on Facebook for two weeks prior to the monthly meeting. Light refreshments are served. The public are invited to all monthly lectures/talks. For more information, please contact Phil Shandorf  (724) 628-2530 , or John Nass, Jr. (724) 984-0634

North Central Chapter #8 meets on the first Monday of the month, October through April, at 7 p.m., at Thomas Taber Museum, Williamsport, PA. Chapter Representative: Robin Van Auken, (570) 916-0026,

Frances Dorrance Chapter #11 meets monthly at Duryea Municipal Building and on the last Tuesday of the month, March through November at the Conrail Site. Call for current information. Chapter Representative: Ted Baird (717) 842-2708,

Lenape Chapter #12:  Monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month at the Middle Smithfield Township Community & Cultural Center (5200 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg).  For further information contact Danny at or (570) 431-7113 or visit us at NEPA archaeology

Forks of the Delaware Chapter #14 meets every first Thursday of every month at the Palmer Library Building, Easton, PA at 7 pm. Chapter 14 also has a new webpage and should be referred to for events and contact for membership information. - Erich Zeh  (Chapter President)

Conomoch Chapter #16 Currently inactive Chapter Contact: Terry Werner 1316 Good Street, Johnstown, PA 15905

Paul R. Stewart Chapter #19 Currently inactive. 

Somerset County Archaeology Society Chapter #20 Currently inactive.

John Shrader Chapter #21 meets on the 1st Wednesday each month at 7:00 p.m., at the Joanna Furnace, Berks County, PA Chapter Representative: Cathy Spohn,  (610) 678-1274 Email:
In April the chapter will continue excavating for the 16th year near or at Mouns Jones site, the oldest structure (1716), in Berks County. This year it may be closer to the Douglas House (1760). In March or April, the chapter is planning to start excavating at a site 1/2 mile from Valley Forge. The house on the property was built in 1730. 2 Revolutionary generals stayed there when Valley Forge was occupied.
We will be celebrating Independence Day July 7th with the Friends of Hopewell Furnace and the Trust of Berks County for the year. This celebration White Horse Tavern close to the Douglas House and the Mouns Jones house in Douglasville. Any questions: contact Gene Delaplane 484-341-8775.

A photo of the Mouns Jones building (1716).

We are heavily involved in 2 events. May 19, 10 to 4, The Historical Trust of Berks County (PA) will sponsor the Morlatton Spring Historical Festival at Douglasville, PA. There will be tours, colonial cooking , Native American technology explained, archaeology and, possibly the first known archaeology play. The house was built for the Swedish-American Jones family. There are 3 other 1700's in Morlatton Village. This is the 7th year we will be excavating the site. (610) 385-4762.

May 20, 2 P. M. at the Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, 2 Mark Lane, Elverson, PA 19520 the Friends of Hopewell Furnace will sponsor a Revisit to the Historic Graveyard published in the Winter 2017-18, the American Archaeology magazine, Pages 42-47. Rutgers University-Camden forensic scientist, Kimberlee Moran and Dr. George Leader will be the speakers. Three members of the Chapter assisted in the excavation. (610) 582-8773. For information on both events call the coordinator Gene Delaplane (484)341-8775

Ohio Valley Chapter #22 meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7 pm and are held at Woodland Lodge, Lutherlyn Campus, Lutherlyn Road, Butler, PA 16105.  Chapter Representative: Laura DeYoung, 724-352-2138 or

Westmoreland Archaeological Society Chapter #23 meets the third Wednesday of the month, January through November at the Unity Township Municipal Building, Beatty, Pa, 0.2 miles north of Rt 30 in Unity Twp. Meeting time: 7:00 p.m. For membership information contact: Mary Jane Shaw emmjay10@gmail.comChapter Representative: Bob Oshnock

Bald Eagle Archaeological Society Chapter #24 meets during the school year on the second Thursday at the South Hills School of Business and Technology in State College.  For information, contact Mary Alice Graetzer at (814)238-5239 or

French Creek Archaeological Society Chapter #26 meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month, except November and November at 7-9 p.m., at 22130 Greytown Road, Cambridge Springs, PA. Chapter Representative: John C. Sites  (814) 398-8212

Lower Susquehanna Archaeological Society, Chapter #28 Lower Susquehanna Archaeological Society, Chapter #28 meetings and events vary throughout the year. Most lectures and excavations are held at Blue Rock Heritage Center, 2251 River Road, Washington Boro, PA 17582 (for directions: Visit under the event tab for the most current times & dates for meetings, workshops, excavation dates or special events. Chapter 28 offers a citizen-scientist archaeological program featuring various learning modules on artifact identification, excavation techniques, cataloging, plus the opportunity to work alongside professionals in the field.  To become a member of Chapter 28, SPA Lower Susquehanna Archaeological Society contact: Judy Englert at 717.515.7907 email: or OR download the membership form from

North Fork Chapter #29 meets the third Friday of each month (except June, July, and December)  at 7:00 pm at the Brookville Presbyterian Church Education Center located at 100 S. White Street in Brookville (Corner of White and Main Streets).  Parking is available at the rear of the building. The Chapter offers many interesting activities to its members including monthly presentations about archaeology and related fields, archaeological investigations, and field trip opportunities. Membership information is on the North Fork Chapter web page and Chapter Representative Cheryl Burkett at  (814) 365-5563or

Venango Chapter #30 Venango Archaeology meets on the 2nd Friday of the month, except July & August at Christ UM Church, 1135 Buffalo Str., Frankklin, PA at 7:00 PM. Over the past three years , the chapter has excavated part of the Fort Machault, one of four French forts in PA. Meetings are open to the public. Chapter Representative: Karen Martin,

Hawk Mountain Chapter #31 meets at the Hamburg Municipal Building/Police Station on North 4th Street in Hamburg, PA., at 7pm on the first Monday of every month. Chapter 31 has a webpage that should be listed for events and membership information- Jim Wosochlo - Chapter Treasurer- contact

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The Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, Inc., the parent archaeological society, meets annually at announced places. Membership in the SPA is highly recommended. Dues are $30 per year for individuals. Membership entitles one to receive The Pennsylvania Archaeologist twice a year. Membership form


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