SPA Monetary Awards:
Submission Deadline is March 1,
Any State SPA member in good
standing may
apply for this award for C-14
dating. SPA Chapters are especially
encouraged to apply for this award.
Submissions will be reviewed by the
Jacob L. Grimm C-14 Award Review
Committee. Generally a single sample
is approved per year, but this
varies depending on available
funding. Please note that this is a
MATCH and only half the cost of the
C-14 analysis is awarded.
The award is announced during the
dinner banquet at the SPA Annual
Nomination Form and Instructions
C-14 Award Chair:
Dr. Bernard K. Means
1205 Littlepage Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
The purpose of the Cowin Award is to commemorate the extensive contributions and dedication to the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology by the late Verna and Paul Cowin and for their work with avocational members of the SPA. The award is a monetary grant to an avocational (non-professional) archaeologist for their significant work on an archaeological site. The award is given to help defray out-of-pocket expenses incurred in volunteering on the site. The applicant for the Cowin Award must be a member in good standing with both the State SPA and one of its active chapters. The site must be recorded with the State Historic Preservation Office. The applicant must submit their application to the SPA President by November 1 for determination by the SPA Board of Directors at their Fall meeting. The award is announced during the dinner banquet at the subsequent SPA Annual Meeting.
Nomination Form and Instructions
Donations to the Cowin Award
In memory of Jeff Graybill his family has donated funds to honor him and his career in archaeology. As a former student of W. Fred Kinsey, this donation supports the fundamental ideals of both Jeff and Fred towards research, specialized analysis, and publication. Award of funds is dependent on a research proposal which identifies the project, analysis method and its relevance to our understanding of Pennsylvania archaeology. The Application Form is available on the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology website. Review of proposals will be conducted by a three-person committee as approved by the fund administrator.
Proposals should be submitted in electronic format to the fund administrator, currently Janet Johnson (
Specialized analysis such as starch residue, phytolith, micro-wear, use-wear, DNA, trace element and Strontium Isotope Analysis
Application deadline is December 31st
Maximum award of $1,000 per applicant
Priority will be given to proposals from Pennsylvania schools, but approval is not restricted to Pennsylvania students or professionals.
Applications will be accepted for calendar year ending December 31st, awarded applicant/s will be notified by March 1st.
The Trustees of the Elmer Erb Permanent Fund are interested in providing funds to support Pennsylvania archaeology – research that will enhance our understanding of past cultural behavior. In support of that goal, we have developed a grants program for students and non-professional members of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology. Award of funds is dependent on a research proposal detailing methods, significance of the project and the feasibility of completion within 18 months. The application Form is available on the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology website.
Proposals should be submitted in electronic format at
Grants are restricted to students (currently registered at an accredited college or university) or avocational archaeologists
The grant can be used in research to enhance our understanding of past cultural behavior in Pennsylvania such as travel, expendable supplies, equipment rental, remote sensing studies, radiometric dating, or curation fees.
The application deadline is December 31st.
The maximum award is $1500.00 per applicant.
Applications will be accepted for calendar year ending December 31st; awarded applicant/s will be notified by March 1st.